I attended the Arizonaafo custom workshop today to gain advanced education on custom AFOs. Podiatrists can evaluate, treat and provide foot and ankle braces (AFO) to treat many foot and ankle pathologies. Such foot and ankle pathologies include posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), flat foot, degenerative joint disease (DJD), Charcot foot arthropathy, Charcot Marie tooth disease, partial foot amputations, trauma, Achilles tendonitis, ankle instability, fall prevention, and many more.

This type of treatment is used to prevent surgical intervention and provide a safer alternative to foot and ankle pain. For more information please contact our office at 1800-707-0215 or click here www.feetdoc.com

Dr. Dennis M. Timko

Dr. Dennis M. Timko


Dr. Dennis Timko, is a podiatrist in the St. Louis, Eureka, MO. area. Dr. Timko specializes in diabetic foot care, foot surgery, AFOs, and orthotics. Dr. Timko is the solo owner of Arch City Foot & Ankle, which has been in business since 2003.